I’m a boy.
No, I’m the boy.
You see, my mom’s side of the family is vast. One could even say it was vahst. Of my many relatives on the aforementioned side of my family, I am the only boy to have been born in over 60 years! If we had only sat down for a moment and pondered this obscure genealogical fact, we wouldn’t have needed the gynecologist to tell us yesterday that, come autumn, the name Murray won’t be doing us any good. That’s right, sometime around September 1 Jan and I are scheduled to have a little baby girl!!!
How could we have missed this:
Plus there’s the fact that Jan is one of three sisters! What the heck were we thinking?
Everyone who has heard the news is saying that they can totally imagine me with a little girl. Daddy’s little girl… I think I can imagine it too 🙂
So send us your suggestions for names. It should be easily pronouncable in both English and Spanish, and any Jewish connection is always a plus. Jan’s first idea was “Amelia” (Amy for short), but apparently that sounds just like Emilia, which is the Spanish equivalent of Murray. I thought Zooey would be nice, but that might just be to force the uber-cool initials Z.Z.
Before you know it we’re gonna have one of these:

My wife in a tub, circa 1971.
Before they invented color.
what about Jan’s family tree?
Like I said, Jan has two sisters. But compared to our family tree, hers is more of a bush, really.
They couldn’t tell the gender of our little mini-Spar, so it shall be a surprise to us – one of the few left! I think you should name your girl Esmerelda. That would be cool. If you had a boy, I would have recommended Gargamel. Or Azrael. That would be the coolest thing EVER.
Of course WE are having a girl, I can just see Jan going shopping for mommy and daughter dresses, okay outfits, and Josh teaching her how to play volley ball. Wow you guys are going to make great parents, I can’t wait, I am soooooo excited.
name wise, is there anyone in particular you guys want to name her after? cause that might help with the name decisions.
ps: it’s spelled “raina”
@Brian – Azrael would be the most amazing name… ever!
@Marcy – If we can finagle the name Stanley into an agreeable girl’s name, we may start there. Otherwise, the world’s our oyster. And thanks for the heads up – “reina” means “queen” in Spanish!
@Mom – What the heck is an “okay outfit”?
well, my middle name is for stanley (your grandpa) and it’s sara. you can go with
– sophia
– sabina
– sadie
– samantha
– sasson (hebrew name for joy)
– shaina
hell, go to babynames.com and the two of you look at some S names you like 🙂 those are some of the first few i saw and liked
I see Jan and the baby in matching outfits, not necessarily dresses- more comfy type stuff. I sent a list of names via email to you
I have always liked “Stella” for Stanley, which would probably be “Estella.” Streetcar Named Desire jokes aside, I think its a rockin’ name.
Mucho mazel tov, thank you for my first great grand niece! I’m checking all my friends for names, I’ll get back to you soon. I am so proud of you!
I like the double Z thing. Z and S are close enough so you can still tell her she is named after Stanley. FYI, you can spell it Zooey (like Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger) or Zoe (with the two dots over the o).
Congrats you guys!
Okay, I have given this careful thought and the name that keeps popping back into my mind is Sarita, its good for the Stanley past and it means princess which is appropriate and in Hebrew would be Sara- just a thought
Love you, all three
you can’t use sophia – it’s mine.
Please refrain from using the following names, for I have reserved them for my children:
Sophia Ella or
Vivian Ella
Jackson Riley or
Jefferson Riley
Also on reserve are Pueblo, Gazebo and Vomit.
Also, I’m so glad it’s a girl. The baby blanket I am making you guys is kinda fem.
Hey Joshua, I dunno if I told you my cousin Zoe’s (with the two dots) full name when I told you about the ZZ thing she’s got going. It’s Zoe Sienna Zeitlin. Got the S thing goin, as well! She’s really smart and a babe, too.
Meanwhile, what about classic names such as Ruth or Judith (keeps her as a member of the J-Team and is good in Catalunya)…
OK, I’m hanging up now. So tired…
Wow! A little girl, how wonderful. You’ll both be wonderful parents.
Really enjoying catching up on joshzam.com – I love knowing that even though you’re both over the sea and far away (so to speak), I can catch up with your news regularly….
much love to Jan x