It is highly discouraged for a pregnant woman to fly during her third trimester of pregnancy – so we’re getting it all in now! Tomorrow Jan and I are off to mystical Lisbon, Portugal for five days. When we return on the 12th (mental note: talk about this in the next paragraph), Jan flies off to deepest, darkest England for five days. Then, on May 16th, Jan and I once again climb aboard for a journey to ancient New York – again, for five days.
Why only five days in Lisbon?
We wanted to stay for a week, but we need to be back in Barcelona next Thursday morning for our next Baby Scan! This inconveniently falls right in the middle of Semana Santa (Easter Week) – Jan’s only week off of work before school lets out for summer. We were told by the medical gods that this date could not be changed. This should be the big day when we find out if we’re to spend the next 20 years raising Josh Jr. or Jan Jr.
Why is Jan going to England without you?
I need to be here in Barcelona to start my month long English Correctionfest with Clean Break, the film on which I’ll be working as Voice Coach.
Why are you going to New York?
We were cordially invited to attend my cousin Robert’s wedding on the 19th of May! And we have accepted. The Big Apple will have us as guests from the 16th-22nd. We’ll be staying with my friend Steve in Brooklyn and hope to make the most of the five days we’ll be there (Jan couldn’t get any more time off of work).
Why all these five days?
It’s a nice round number.
And to wrap things up, as a favor to Mr. Ed, here’s a picture from Tony’s dad’s bar where we spent the evening eating tapas today thanks to Lucy’s forward thinking and Jenny’s backward traveling.

Arnau, Ewan, Jenny, Jan, me, Jan, and Lucy
Looked like you have never seen a horse holding a camera, Josh?! Mr. Ed can talk and count as well, I might have you know….
I’m glad I already started buyign baby clothes – you need some non-gendered stuff to mix in witht he tons of BLUE and PINK folks will be buying you when you find out.
And now I don’t have to ship anything!
Do you get comments made to the lj instead of to here?
If not, I shall repeat my query 🙂 Any chance you’ll be in Boston the 21st of May? There’ll be a graduation going on 😀
sounds like fun
and i swear to god i am visiting when you are in good ol nyc 🙂
If you guys are on LI, and are interested in previewing a baby shower, we shall be having ours on the 21st 🙂
Hey, what’s Jenny doing back in town? How dare you guys go on with your lives without me!
Thanks for all of the invites, people! Jan and I are still working out our itinerary for our time in New York and we want to see as many people as possible! We’ll let you know where we’ll be and when as soon as we know. Thanks again. You guys are great 🙂